Podcast #5 – Exchange studies in Zimbabwe and Taiwan

In this episode, Tomas will talk about what it’s like to be an exchange student in Zimbabwe & Taiwan. He will share his experiences and adventures.

About this episode
Today I’ll be talking to Tomas. He’s a good friend and a really smart guy who’s lived in some interesting parts of the world.

Tomas wrote his first Master’s thesis in an embassy in Zimbabwe, and he traveled through South Africa for leisure. His first Master’s degree is in International law, and he’s currently studying in Taiwan for his second Master’s degree in Asia-Pacific studies. On top of that, he’s learning Chinese down there. In his spare time, he DJs, parties, and has a little shoe store going on as a side-business. So, very ambitious dude, fun to talk to.

We talk about what his adventures and lessons overseas were like and what it’s like to be able to speak Chinese.

Tomas and I know each other through being in a rock-band together when we were in our teens. The rest of the band members show up at the end of the show and say hi, so that’s a fun little moment.

It was a fun show to record, and I hope listening to it will be too.

The show

00:03:00 – Zimbabwe
00:23:30 – China’s hunger for expansion
00:32:15 – The difference in ideology between the West & the rest
00:35:24 – Bali, Japan & Thailand
00:41:30 – Learning Chinese
00:52:40 – Communism
01:00:41 – Grandma’s wine & the band
01:05:50 – Life in Taiwan
01:23:52 – DJ King Ming
01:31:20 – Cursing in Taiwanese & Chinese
01:36:35 – Dogs in Taiwan & China
01:41:50 – Band talk
01:51:30 – The band is back together & old recordings

Recording details
Recorded on August 31, 2017; in the backyard of my place in Krimpen aan den IJssel, The Netherlands.

Recorded on the big setup.

Laurens’ portfolio: http://laurenzius.com

The ribs

Today’s studio

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